1. Singing to your baby significantly lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol for both you and your baby.

2. Children as young as 9 months old who attend music classes show permanent higher brain functions than children who don't attend music classes.
Later in life, one of the most effective solutions/recommendations for children who are delayed in writing and reading is to receive music instruction!

3. Newborn brains are wired to acquire many languages. This ability lowers to half by the age of 6 months and keeps decreasing until the age of 4 when we are no longer able to distinguish small tone and sound differences of a certain language if we were not exposed to it before this age.

4. Children who attend music classes are able to solve puzzles and problems far more effectively and in more creative ways than children without music instruction. Bilingual children show the same results.

5. Children who are exposed to a second language from birth to the age of 4 test higher on tolerance and empathy, the ability to put oneself in somebody else's shoes and understand their perspective and feelings.

6. Music education raises the general cognitive capacity of students.
7. Music education helps us be comfortable with the uncomfortable. Pairing a second language with music makes that language far easier to learn than it would be on its own. Adding music to language exposure gets the new information stored in different parts of the brain and creates emotional tags making the concepts very hard to forget.

8. Babies use music processing functions to understand mothers’ voices at birth. Music processing is the only way we can start decoding language at birth.
9. Children who attended music classes consistently before the age of 7 have IQs that are around 7.5 points higher than children who don't. A 7.5 increase from an IQ of 100 (average/normal) brings you 20% closer to a score of 130, which is is genius territory!
Another study showed that on average, we earn about $700 more per year for every increase in IQ point that we have, proving that early music education and exposure actually has an impact on our children's future salaries!
Also, bilingual adults are 3 times more likely to get a job with a higher salary than monolingual adults.

10. Every human being is born musical. This musical ability is a basic need that enables us to understand patterns and to then be able to communicate in different languages. The experiences and opportunities we have are what make that talent either shine or fade especially during the first years of life.
Want to give all these amazing gifts to your child?
Fall 2018 classes enrollment is now open.
12 weekly classes from September 8th to December 8th
(Original music and materials included with enrollment)