What is our
Get access to ALL of our classes!
Who can get it?
Memberships are available to all families who have been enrolled in any of our classes since April 2020.
If you have completed
Spring 2020 (Luz),
Summer 2020 (Mar),
Fall 2020 (Familia),
Winter 2021 (Alegría)
Spring 2021 (Corazón)
Summer 2021 (Luz)
Fall 2021 (Mar)
Winter 2022 (Familia)
then you can activate a membership!
What is it?
Our membership is the only way to get unlimited access to every single one of our online Spanish music classes.
When you activate a membership, you can play all of the online classes in which you have been previously enrolled as many times as you want for as long as you keep the membership active.
The number of classes in your membership depends on the number of sessions you have enrolled in.
How much is it?
Right now, it is $14.99 per month.
There are no activation fees, or any other fees whatsoever.
If you enroll in future sessions, your membership will also include the new classes at no extra cost.
Literally your membership can grow every week without increasing the price.
Once you activate it, your membership price will be frozen. Even if we increase the price, you will still be charged $14.99 if you activate it today.
How do I cancel it?
You can cancel your membership at any time! Simply emails us at info@bebesocial.com and we will cancel your membership immediately. No questions asked.
Can I reactivate it later?
Yes. you can activate and cancel your membership as many times as you want. However, if the price of the membership increases while your membership is cancelled, we won't be able to freeze the $14.99 rate when you decide to activate it again.